Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boys say the funniest things~

Tonight me and my little family were driving in the car together. I had stopped to get a free Jamba Juice I had won recently, and of course, Kirt was drinking it! He asked me if it had bananas and I smiled and told him no. (It did, but I like to make him think he is wrong sometimes, just to keep him humble.) Well he looked and me and tried to decide whether or not I was lying, I must have kept an ok face because the next thing I know, he spits this thing out of his mouth and says, "Then what the crap is this?" On his finger lay what looked like a giant bugar! It was so so so gross! I almost died laughing at the look on my germaphobic husbands face as he thought about the fact that maybe someone had hawked a loogie in the drink he was guzzling down! Priceless face right there! I finally let him have the relief he was looking for and told him that the drink did have bananas in it. Then Brayden chimed in with this..."My cousin Jayden eats bugars. He blows um out of his nose and sticks um in his mouth and eats them." Then Silence!!! Kirt and I burst into laughter. He said it just as a simple fact. Sometimes that boy just cracks me up!