Thursday, January 8, 2009


I just want to give a shout out to all of my family! I have the best family in the entire world! I have over 50 cousins and like 25 aunts and uncles and I get to see most of them every couple of weeks! But I especially want to tell my mom's sisters how very much I love them! You guys mean the world to me. You are more like my own sisters than aunts. Susan and I are closer in age than her and my mom! I love going out with you guys and I am so glad you let me just be myself and love me for it! I think I have a little bit of each of you in me! I look up to all of you so very much! I don't know what I would do without you guys!


Emily Whitehead said...

Carole, I am so very glad you married in too!

Carole Powell said...

HA, well I see where my priority is. I couldn't even make the original post. :P j/k Love you!

The Napiers said...

Give me that baby and I will tell people your my favorite niece? : P

Love you so much too Em!!!!!